This procedure does not require any particular preparation. The only exception is when the procedure is performed through the abdomen: the examination of renal arteries, the abdominal aorta, visceral arteries (the coeliac trunk and mesenteric arteries), the portal system, the inferior vena cava, iliac veins – in this case, the preparation is similar to that required before abdominal ultrasound:

One day before the examination:

  • light diet, excluding vegetables, fruits and dark bread;
  • Espumisan 3 x 2 capsules – the medicine aims to release air from the digestive tract, which might otherwise be an obstacle to ultrasound waves

Six hours before the examination:

  • do not consume any foods
  • do not drink fizzy and sweetened beverages (but you can drink still mineral water)
  • do not drink tea or coffee
  • do not smoke
  • do not chew bubble gum