This test makes it possible to assess the physical efficiency of your body. By forcing the body to performed increased exercise, while simultaneously monitoring the ECG indications and arterial blood pressure, it allows us to assess the efficiency of the circulatory system. It is helpful for identifying and assessing the treatment efficiency in the coronary heart disease. Exercise tests can only be performed upon medical referral.

How to prepare for the test:

Immediately before the exercise test, do not smoke cigarettes, consume any meals, or drink strong coffee or tea. Take or discontinue your regular medications according to the referring physician’s instructions.

Take suitable clothes for exercising, such as comfortable shoes, preferably trainers, sports shorts/trousers or leggings, and a short-sleeved top, e.g. a T-shirt.

Inform the person performing the test about the following:

Before the test:

  • current medications;
  • history of heart diseases.

During the test:

  • any sudden feeling of discomfort (e.g. chest pain, breathlessness).

How to behave after the test?

It is indicated to rest for a quarter or so in the waiting room in front of the laboratory. Make an appointment with your personal doctor to discuss the test results.