Have you noticed that the circumference of your neck has grown? Or perhaps the morphological tests commissioned by the primary care doctor showed an elevated level of TSH? These symptoms may herald thyroid problems. This small gland is responsible, among others, for the production of serotonin. Over the last few decades, the number of people affected by thyroid diseases and diseases has increased.

One of the most effective ways to make an accurate diagnosis is thyroid ultrasound, which is offered by the Medicover Hospital. During this examination qualified specialists assess the shape, measurements and size of the gland, as well its structure (in order to check the echogenicity of the thyroid gland and assess whether there are pathological lesions, e.g. tumours or cysts). Properly performed thyroid ultrasound examination also includes surrounding structures, like salivary glands and lymph nodes. This test should be performed by patients:
- genetically burdened by thyroid cancer risk,
- with an abnormal level of thyroid hormones (based on a blood test),
- with signs of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism (e.g. increased sweating, mood swings, general weakness and irritability, rapid weight loss / gain),
- prophylactically every 2-3 years.

Thyroid ultrasound is helpful in diagnosing diseases such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis (including Hashimoto's disease) as well as cysts and neoplastic lesions.