We support Pre-adoption Intervention Centres! Donate 1% of your tax

The Medicover Foundation supports two Pre-adoption Intervention Centres: one in Otwock and the other in Częstochowa. These are the only such centres in Poland.
We support Pre-adoption Intervention Centres! Donate 1% of your tax
Their task is to provide help to newborns with health problems, temporarily or permanently deprived of the care of their parents and doomed to social orphanhood.

In the Pre-adoption Intervention Centre, the children are given shelter, medical assistance and open hearts. In a nearly family-like atmosphere, they make their first little steps, say first words or smile for the first time. The centres provide children with the necessary care while looking for adoptive families. They do everything so that children do not end up in an orphanage, but rather with loving families.

Together we can support those two centres. It is so simple!

Just write down the KRS number of the Medicover Foundation: 0000283132 in your personal income tax statement.

Thank you for your support!
The Medicover Foundation Team
Date added 15.03.2017
Data ostatniej aktualizacji 15.01.2019