Tests every man should undergo

A heart attack, stroke or diabetes do not only affect other people. The average Pole lives nearly 5 years less than the average European. It’s time to change this. You have to take your health into your own hands and get a check-up every year.
What diseases affect men?

Live like other Europeans – lead a long and healthy life. A wise man takes care of his health, because it is difficult to feel like a man when illness takes away our strength and abilities. The father of medicine, Hippocrates, knew that it is better to prevent diseases than to cure them.

The sensitive male heart. Cardiovascular diseases

Polish men most often die from cardiovascular diseases. You can defeat this male killer. First and foremost, you must check your blood pressure at least once a year and check your blood cholesterol level every five years. Think of your arteries as a motorway. If there are only bicycles on the road, it will last for many years.

However, when trucks appear on the road, the motorway will need repairs after only a few years. Increased blood pressure is such a truck, putting pressure on the walls of blood vessels. If this pressure is too hard, it damages the walls of the vessels over a long period of time. The difference between a motorway and the arteries is that in the case of arteries and veins, you cannot replace the surface.

Abnormal cholesterol levels also destroy the vessels, contributing to the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. The plaque in the vessel can tear off and float along with the bloodstream, clogging the vein. It's like traffic on the motorway. It stops the blood from flowing to the heart or the brain, which causes tissue death called myocardial infarction or stroke.

Checking cholesterol and blood pressure levels helps detect anomalies early on and thus protect against the consequences of cardiovascular diseases.

Diabetes. Take a glucose test

If you knew that a simple blood test could save your life, you would certainly do it. Many patients could have avoided ending up in the hospital if they had checked their sugar levels a few years earlier. More than 20,000 Poles die every year from diabetes complications. Prevention could change these statistics.

Diabetes develops insidiously, without any symptoms, but a simple blood test can detect it. People over 45 who are overweight, lead a sedentary lifestyle, have high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, or a family history of diabetes, should do the test every year. Everyone else should do it every three years.

Many of us are unaware that our blood glucose levels are elevated. Meanwhile, elevated glucose in the blood contributes to damaging blood vessels that supply blood to all tissues and organs, such as eyes, kidneys, feet and nerves. This leads to vision problems in 90% of patients, and some lose their eyesight as a consequence of the disease. 20% of patients develop kidney damage, and some must be regularly subjected to dialysis. Many also suffer from diabetic foot syndrome.

For this reason, there are thousands of finger and ever foot amputations performed in Poland every year. Diabetes also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack.

Win the battle against cancer

Oncologists say that many cancers can be treated effectively if they are detected early enough. Cancer is the second cause of death among men in Poland. We lose the battle with cancer because it gets ahead of us, although it doesn’t always progress quickly. If you want to beat cancer, take preventive measures; lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a well-balanced diet and exercise.

Quit smoking. After consulting with a doctor who will take into account your age, risk group and individual recommendations, take the tests ordered by him. Your doctor may order a blood test for prostate cancer. It is the second most common malignant cancer affecting males in Poland.

The asymptomatic nature of this disease in its initial phase and an unjustified resistance to preventive examinations cause over 4,000 Poles to die of prostate cancer every year.

In addition, you can undergo an ultrasound examination (USG), which, although is not considered to be a cancer screening test, in some cases it allows to detect cancer at an early stage. This includes liver, kidney, bladder, and thyroid cancers.

A bloody challenge: diseases detected by a simple blood test

To detect disease early and take steps to fight it, you should do a blood test, that can give you a lot of valuable information. In addition to diabetes and atherosclerosis, blood tests help detect inflammation, diseases of the blood, kidneys, liver, and thyroid. Thanks to such tests, we can check if we have been infected with hepatitis B and C viruses, which can lead to the development of malignant cancer.

Today, thanks to new drugs, these diseases can be treated and managed. Hepatitis B and C viruses can be transmitted through sexual contact, at the hairdresser's, while getting a tattoo, or during medical and dental procedures. Blood tests can also tell us if we are HIV positive. Early treatment of HIV will protect against developing AIDS and ensure we can still live a long life despite the disease.

Date added 12.06.2019
Data ostatniej aktualizacji 12.06.2019