St. Nicholas Day in Royal Wilanów

We invite the children with their parents to join us on December 10th, 2016 for St. Nicholas Day in Royal Wilanów to meet Santa Claus himself and enjoy numerous involving activities organised by Medicover Dentistry and MediVision.
St. Nicholas Day in Royal Wilanów
St. Nicholas Day in Royal Wilanów
For children, we have prepared a special meeting with Zygmunt the Dragon (who lives at Medicover Dentistry) who will show how to take care of your teeth properly, and will also join the children in a number of games.

Moreover, MediVision specialists will arrange some playtime activities in order to show the parents certain exercises that can be done with their kids at home to develop their perceptual abilities and visual-motor coordination.

There will be some little gifts for our guests.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Medicover Dentistry & MediVision 

Date added 05.12.2016
Data ostatniej aktualizacji 13.01.2019