SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Exercises at home for people performing sedentary work

Many people are staying at home during the COVID-19 epidemic. After the government announced a state of epidemic and restrictions on movement, engaging in favourite activities was curbed even more. In addition, many people work remotely, which often involves working on the computer in a forced position for many hours. We have put together a set of exercises for people performing sedentary work, which you can do yourself at home.

Isolation at home during the coronavirus pandemic can be difficult not only for our minds, but also for our bodies. Exercise can boost our immunity and improve our mood. How can we do it when we spend half the day working remotely while sitting behind the desk? 

Coronavirus home exercises for athletes

Regardless of whether you went to the gym every day or trained for the marathon, now is the time to slightly adjust your habits. Although you can go jogging or cycling (provided that you do it alone while maintaining sufficient distance from other people), it is worth learning a few exercises that you can do at home.

Coronavirus home exercises for everyone

Exercising at home is also an option for those who have never exercised before, and whose activity was limited to walking or going to work. During this coronavirus pandemic we especially need to take care of ourselves and that includes exercising.

Exercises for people performing sedentary work. Download PDF >> 

Coronavirus how to exercise at home

Exercises for people performing sedentary work do not require any special preparation. You do not need to buy a mat or any equipment. For exercises you will use what you have at your fingertips: a chair, a wall, and the strength of your own muscles.

More information about coronavirus, current guidelines


Date added 06.04.2020
Data ostatniej aktualizacji 06.04.2020