Report "Work. Health. Economy. Outlook 2012-2016"

In this year's edition of the report "Work. Health. Economy. Outlook 2012-2016” we paid special attention to the analysis of the most common health problems of employees of particular occupational groups.
Report "Work. Health. Economy. Outlook 2012-2016"
The main aim of our observation was the answer to the question: What is the employee's health status in Poland? This knowledge is necessary to properly adjust the care model to health needs of employees.

The report analyzes the data of over 255 thousand professionally active people aged 18-67 representing the majority of the Polish economy. Today we know what health areas require special attention. 

Raport "Praca. Zdrowie. Ekonomia. Perspektywa 2012-2016" from Medicover
Date added 12.10.2017
Data ostatniej aktualizacji 12.01.2019