One in five children are at risk of developing civilisation-related diseases

Currently, diabetes patients are nearly 3 million Poles. Increasingly it affects children and adolescents.
One in five children are at risk of developing civilisation-related diseases
The Pomeranian Kosakowo community, covered by the PoZdro! Program run by the Medicover Foundation, completed screening among first-year students of junior secondary schools identifying the risk of civilisation-related diseases in the future.

It is estimated that within the next 30 years, the number of Poles with diabetes will increase to over 5.2 million. In almost 90% of cases, this is type 2 diabetes, which can be prevented by early prevention - screening and lifestyle changes. Screening for risk of developing civilization-related diseases among young people in the future, conducted within the framework of the National Program for the Prevention of Diabetes and Civilisation-related Diseases PoZdro!, recently completed at junior secondary school in Kosakowo. It consisted of: blood pressure measurements, eye tests, body posture tests, cardio-respiratory efficiency, and weight tests. All in all, were tested 94. persons, which is 58.4% the study population. The risk for civilization diseases were up to 19.1% teens.

The results of screening in the Kosakowo Municipality fairly accurately represent the overall health of youth in Poland. PoZdro! research in Polish scale was held at 149 junior secondary schools, who participate or participated in the project. Apart from Kosakowo: in Gdynia, Warsaw, Wroclaw and Lublin. Statistics, though slightly vary locally, clearly outline the unfavorable trends.

Detailed results of adolescents population-based screening (Comprehensive Analysis of Health) in Kosakowo show that:

  • Overweight and obesity are present in 19.1% of teenagers surveyed.
  • Increased blood pressure during the study was reported in up to 11.4% of the participants.
  • Sufficient, poor and very poor physical capacity to issue 69.3% of respondents.
  • Abnormal posture has as many as 62.8% of respondents.
  • Abnormal visual acuity was observed in 16.1% of students who are not under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.

All the teenagers that are at risk are invited to a free of charge and specialized part of the PoZdro! Program, so called Integrated Care Individual (ZOI). These young people over the next two years will be able to take advantage of consultations: a doctor, a psychologist, a dietician and exercise specialist, as well as participate in educational workshops for families and attractive range of organized sports activities.

In the neighboring Gdynia, in the three editions of the PoZdro! Program, 3800 children checked their health status due to holistic medical examination, and 570 of them were diagnosed as being at risk of developing civilization-related diseases. In total, among the cities in Program, Medicover Foundation has studied more than 18 thousand students and qualified nearly 2,700 of them to a interdisciplinary two-year specialist care. PoZdro! offered more than 24,700 individual consultations with Medicover Foundation specialists. In addition to Kosakowo, further editions of PoZdro! Program currently is implemented in Lublin, Warsaw and Wroclaw.

The activities at the local level enables the Medicover Foundation to reach with the PoZdro! Program a larger number of young people, which directly translates into assistance and as a result of a larger group of people that comes out of the risk of developing type 2 diabetes - a disease that the World Health Organization has been recognized as an epidemic of the XXI century.

We invite you to visit rich in information about what to do, children to be healthy, PoZdro! Program website: Additionally, we encourage you to follow our Facebook page:
Date added 08.02.2017
Data ostatniej aktualizacji 12.01.2019