Cold? Flu? No, thank you!

Autumn is approaching, and with it the cold and flu season. In order to effectively protect yourself and your loved ones, we invite you to take part in our flu vaccination campaign.
Cold? Flu? No, thank you!
As one of the first medical companies in Poland we are vaccinating our patients with the latest and improved quadrivalent influenza vaccine. It provides more extensive protection compared to trivalent vaccines, and is recommended by major public health institutions in Poland and around the world.

Get your vaccination at Medicover Express. You can book your appointment via Medicover OnLine or by calling .

If influenza vaccination is included in your Medicover medical package, your vaccination will be free of charge.

If you are not yet a Medicover patient, or your medical package does not include this service, you can purchase it by calling 500 900 500

Remember! While getting your flu shot you can also receive other recommended preventive vaccinations, including against whooping cough, diphtheria, and tetanus. For details, ask your doctor during the visit or during the online chat session.

Do not risk your health. Book your vaccination appointment today! 

Date added 05.09.2017
Data ostatniej aktualizacji 13.01.2019