Caring for a child’s healthy and beautiful smile

In March, hygienists form Medicover Dentistry visited five kindergartens in Warsaw's Wilanów district.
Caring for a child’s healthy and beautiful smile
Approximately 460 children attended these educational events. Through playing games, children learned how to properly brush their teeth.

Undoubtedly, the greatest attraction for the children was the mascot – dragon Zygmunt, who demonstrated proper oral hygiene to the children. Thanks to Zygmunt, the children had the opportunity to practice good habits of brushing their teeth under the watchful eye of the hygienists.

The campaign was very positively received. Invitations to dental screenings were handed out during the events. These invitations present another opportunity for the children to meet dragon Zygmunt – this time at our dental offices.

Our goal is education from an early age. It is all out of love for a healthy and beautiful smile. 

Date added 03.04.2017
Data ostatniej aktualizacji 16.01.2019