Are you planning holidays? Examine your skin before you go!

Summer holidays are already here. It is the time when we take advantage of each sunny day and spend more time outdoors.
Are you planning holidays? Examine your skin before you go!
However, the popularity of sunbathing and the resulting more frequent exposition to sunlight may carry some risks. This is why it is worth examining the changes on your skin: if any skin mark looks suspicious to you, show it to a doctor.

An innovative solution: a quick assessment of skin marks

During the holiday period, we offer all our patients in Kraków an innovative solution that makes it possible to quickly assess skin marks. Beginning on 1 July, the Bora-Komorowskiego Medicover Centre conducts free pilot examinations using the innovative Dermicus technology. Thanks to this solution, if you are worried about changes on your skin, you can go to a general practitioner and quickly check if everything is all right.

How does it work?

Why is this method innovative? It is very simple. During a visit to the general practitioner, suspicious skin marks are photographed by the doctor with a dermatoscope linked to a mobile phone. The images are then sent to a telemedical platform, where they are made available to a wide group of dermatologists specialising in assessment of skin marks.

With high quality photographs and their quick transfer, it is possible to quickly obtain an in-depth analysis performed by our dermatologists. With the option to enlarge and rotate photographs and compare them with the previously sent patient’s images, it is possible to make a detailed assessment of the photographed changes, which may be performed by several experienced dermatologists, making it easier to make an accurate diagnosis.

In practice, the patient waits at most 3 working days. Within that time, he or she receives an assessment of the photographed skin marks performed by an experienced dermatologist, including recommendations for further actions.

The examination is particularly recommended before going to holidays or after returning from them.

Arranging a visit

The examination is performed free of charge for Medicover patients. The pilot phase is implemented in the Bora-Komorowskiego Medicover Centre in Kraków.

In order to take part in the examination, you should arrange a visit to a general practitioner and select the Internista – screening znamion skórnych (“General practitioner – skin mark screening”) option.

You can arrange a visit:

  • in Medicover OnLine
  • in the Medicover mobile application
  • by calling at 500 900 500
  • at the reception of any Medicover Centre in Kraków

Visit us!

Date added 03.07.2017
Data ostatniej aktualizacji 09.01.2019